One of the most important jobs CEOs and other senior executives have is to make their employees feel needed and appreciated. They also need to motivate them and get them to buy in to the company vision.
What if I told you there was a simple, can’t-miss way to do it? And that it only takes a few minutes a week.
Celebrate your people on platforms like LinkedIn.
What do I mean by “celebrate?”
I mean share stories about them. What makes them special as individuals? Why are they important to your organization.
These stories can be almost anything, but here are a few ideas to get you started.
Random Acts of Ass-Kicking
There are little things your employees do every day that demonstrate their commitment to the mission. Staying late to get something done. Going the extra mile for a customer. Fixing a little problem before it becomes a big one.
These may not be major milestones or achievements, but they’re just as important. Maybe more.
Catch your employees in the act of kicking ass. Then tell the world about it.
Go Deep with One Person at a Time
If you have a large staff, it’s all but impossible to get to know each and every one of your employees on a personal level.
But you can get to know one.
Spend some time with one person every month or so. Find out who they are, what’s important to them, and how they propel your organization forward.
Then share their stories. Not only will you make that person feel important, the rest of your staff will also appreciate how you take the time for them.
Celebrate People for Who They Are
There’s more to life than work. Much more.
When you’re sharing stories about your people, celebrate them as, well, people. Their background, their heritage, their passions, their families. Even their hobbies.
Help the rest of the world get to know your people the way you do.
Why this works
I don’t know any content strategy that has as much of an ROI as this.
With just a few simple LinkedIn posts a month (the more the better), you can make your employees feel appreciated, that like theirwork is important and they’re making a difference. That inspires loyalty and creates motivation.
But it doesn’t stop there.
Prospective employees will take notice of how you regard your employees. You’ll start to see the caliber of people who apply for job openings increase. Because they want to be part of your story.
Your customers will also notice. They’ll enjoy being associated with a company that treats its people well.
Finally, you can grow your own personal brand and influence. When you spend more time talking about and celebrating others, people will be drawn to you and will be more tuned into your other messages.
It’s a can’t-miss strategy, and it costs basically nothing.Just a bit of your time.
If you’re short on that time and need help implementing a strategy like this, let’s talk. I can help youplan and execute an effective employee-celebration program.