Looking for executive content ideas that does a tone of heavy lifting?
Look no further than sharing your company’s journey. From scrappy startup to global conglomerate, and all points in between.
Telling the story of your company’s journey does it all.
- It demonstrates your dedication to serving yourcustomers and creating value by giving a behind-the-scenes look at how you do it.
- It reminds your employees why their work matters and the impact they’re having.
- It attracts talented people who want to be partof the story you’re telling.
- It builds stakeholder trust through transparency.
- It can even sell your products or services!
And the best part is it’s easy. You don’t have to look toofar or think to hard about crafting content. The stories are already there.
If you want some inspiration, here are a couple examples.
Stuckey’s: Rebuilding an Iconic Brand
My first example is Stephanie Stuckey.
She's elling the story of the rebuilding Stuckey’s, the company her father started. At the same time, she’s telling the story about the revival of the American Road Trip, and all the nostalgia that comes with it.
She’s telling this story as it happens. In real time.
She gives us a firsthand account of her journey, including all the potholes, detours and speed bumps. She’s celebrating her people, and even shouting out other brands.
Cubby Bed: Relentless Customer Focus
Another great example is Caleb Polley, founder and CEO of Cubby Beds.
Caleb is taking a different approach and telling his company’s story retrospectively.
His posts regularly look back to key points in Cubby Bed’s history. The decisions that were made, the customers they served, the challenges they faced.
It doesn’t matter. His stories accomplish so much. I have to believe they make employees feel good about the work they do, and know that they are valued.
They show that Cubby Bed is a company with purpose. And I have no doubt they sell a product or two.
We’re Rooting for You
However you choose to share your organization’s journey, it’s a strategy that can do a lot of heavy lifting for you.
Best of all, it’s easy.
You don’t need fancy info-graphics or high-production-value videos. That just increases the cost and the time it takes to get the story out there.
Instead, you can simply tell the story of your company’s journey through the eyes and voices of your company’s leaders, executives, and even employees.
That humanizes your brand and makes it easy to root for you.
Are there other marketing tactics you can and should use? Yes.
But none are as cost-effective as this.
If you don’t know me, my name is Chris. My mission is to help executives unlock the power of their stories.
Can I help you? Let’s have a 15-minute chat to find out!