For your average enterprise, who do you think is the mostimportant audience? The people who need to hear, understand, and believe in your story the most?
If you said customers, you’re probably right.
Or are you?
Some might argue your sales organization should be theprimary targets of your storytelling efforts. One of those people is Justin McCarthy.
Justin and I have crossed paths a few times during ourcareers. I on the marketing & communications side, and he on the sales side. At a couple different companies.
Awhile back, Justin and I got to talking about storytellingand its importance to sales.
Turns out, it’s pretty important.
Forming Customer Connections
Too often, Justin contends (and I agree), companies don’tplace enough importance on making their sales organization understand the company stories. Instead, sales departments are out there, pounding the pavement, conducting transactions based on customer needs and the features, benefits and price of the product they’re selling.
Meanwhile, marketing is creating ads, campaigns, and doingother things to create interest and demand. Maybe they’re using storytelling, maybe not. Regardless, there is little to no communication between the two departments.
“A company’s story…is really critical to the sellingprocess,” Justin told me. “It’s not always because you have a great product at a great price, it’s because you have a great story.”
Justin added that he might often lead with hisorganization’s story as his reason for joining. It’s a way of connecting with customers and adding some weight and connection to the sales process. So that your organization stands out and that salespeople can turn prospects into believers. Not just customers.
For that reason, he said it’s imperative that organizationsmake sure that their sales organization – and really all of their employees – understand the company story. Who you are. What you do. Where you came from.
Why you exist.