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You’ve been blessed. Now share your stories

April 19, 2024

Last week, I experienced a health scare.

When it was clear that I was going to be ok, I shared my story on LinkedIn, and I received a lot of prayers and words ofencouragement, and I am so grateful for the support.

But I also heard from a friend who said he was reminded how much he treasures his family. That’s when I knew sharing the story was the right thing to do.

We are all blessed

We all have stories, experiences and ideas from our past, whether distant or recent. When we share those stories, we have the power to make an impact on people.

We can inspire them. Help them avoid mistakes. Give them the knowledge and motivation they need to do something special.

And we have been blessed with the voice and the means to share those stories. It’s our duty to do it.

Rewards outweigh the costs

There are lots of reasons to not tell your stories. Modesty, fear of ridicule, or just plain inertia.

It takes a bit of extra effort to tell your stories, but the rewards far outweigh the costs. You never know who you might be helping. But you will definitely be helping someone.

And you will also be benefitting yourself by building your brand, forming connections, and creating the trust that leads to new opportunities.

So I encourage you to tell your stories.