The world doesn’t need another content creator, but it does need more people to create content.
People in “regular” jobs. Who aren’t in it for the views and the likes and the sponsorship deals, but who just want to tell their stories, share their ideas, and put their own brand of positivity out into the world.
The more that can happen, the more collective knowledge will be shared, the more people will be successful, and the better off we’ll all be.
Who are these people? I’m willing to bet you’re one of them.
We Need Your Wisdom
How long have you been doing what you’re doing? Whatever the answer to that question is, you have gathered wisdom and experience that could benefit people who are coming up behind you.
Or maybe it’s not about the people coming up behind you, but the people who work for you. They need to hear your ideas and stories. That creates the trust they need to follow you.
Or maybe it’s about the people you serve. Your customers, patients, clients, students, etc. When you share what you know, they will listen. They will learn. They will make better choices.
No matter who you’re reaching, when you share your stories, you’ll realize some benefits of your own. You’ll be seen as a thought leader, a connector, a mentor. And that will lead to all kinds of opportunities.
But you have to start.
Now what?
Now that you know you should create content, what kind of content should you create?
Start with what you know, and with what comes naturally. Simple text posts on LinkedIn or a blog are the easiest. Or maybe you want to create an e-newsletter. Or maybe you’re good on camera or in front of a microphone.
Whatever you decide, start with the easiest path. The key is to not worry about getting it perfect, and to just start getting your ideas out into the world.
And if you need a little help getting started, consider one of my coaching sessions.
We need your wisdom! Start sharing it, and see what happens next.